Hips are vital for explosiveness & overall performance. Strong hips are required to transfer force effectively from the lower body to the upper body in many sports, including volleyball, basketball, soccer, field hockey, throwing events in track and field, and football. All aspiring athletes would be wise to make sure that they are maximizing their hip strength and mobility as a primary goal in their workouts, regardless of age or sport.
At the other end of the spectrum strong and flexible hips are also important for aging bodies. About 15% of people over age 65 experience hip pain. Joint deterioration, arthritis, and injury can all cause pain and stiffness that restrict your mobility and impact your quality of life.
Here are five simple exercises to improve hip strength, flexibility and mobility to enhance sport performance in younger athletes and ensure longevity of mobility and reduction of pain in aging bodies.
1. Knee lifts
Knee lifts stretch your hip flexors, thigh muscles, and gluteal muscles. To do knee lifts, come to a standing position. Lift your knees as high as you can towards your chest. Alternate sides and maintain a pace that is most comfortable to your fitness level. For high level athletes you would repeat this exercise in a standing running motion, and for less fit exercise you can do this as a standing march. Repeat this exercise in 1 minute intervals 5-10 times.
2. Single leg squats
When done correctly, the single leg squat creates an incredible strength, stability and mobility demand on the hip muscles (among many others!)
Supporting your back foot on a bench or starting with lunge patterns are recommended for all of us who struggle to balance and get this low
3. Mini band walks
Here is a simple drill to strengthen your glutes. Place a mini resistance band or light tubing around your ankles, bend down into a squat position and step to the side. Take 10-15 steps in one direction and then repeat in the opposite direction. Repeat 5 times in each direction while keeping the band wide enough to maintain constant tension. Maintaining a slight hip bend, as shown, will help you to more effectively target the muscles on the side of your hip.
4. Hip circles
Hip circles are a standing exercise that improves stability and flexibility in the hips. To begin, stand on your left leg with your right leg bent. If you feel unstable, hold onto a wall or chair for support. Move your right knee in small circles. Aim to do 20 circles both clockwise and counterclockwise. Repeat on your left leg. Hip circles help strengthen and stabilize muscles around the joint.
5. Leg swings
Commonly practiced by runners during a dynamic warm up the leg swing increases mobility and flexibility in not only the hips but also the hamstrings and hip flexors. Standing and next to a pole or wall for support. Starting with your right side facing the support, swing your right leg reaching towards your face. Repeat 10 times on each side. Allow your body to freely swing, ensuring that you are not restricting movement. Once you have completed 2 sets of side swings, turn your body to face the wall or poll and complete 2 sets of front swings. This time the leg will be swinging in front of your body allowing for increased mobility in your inner thighs or adductors.
Thank you for reading
Emily Week